Steam Carrot Cake (Radish cake) @ 蒸萝卜糕
Ingredients at a glance
Chopped and minced and shred thats all you need to do...
Getting the freshest and premium quality raw material is crucial to the dish's success rate
Radish - 1kg (should be slightly more because after peeling the skin it will be lesser)
Dried shrimps -100g
Dried scallop - 50g
Chinese sausage (Lup Cheong) - 2
200ml chicken stock
200g rice flour
50g wheat flour
2-3 tbsp oil
Salt to taste
The how to...
Radish - 1kg (should be slightly more because after peeling the skin it will be lesser)
Dried shrimps -100g
Dried scallop - 50g
Chinese sausage (Lup Cheong) - 2
200ml chicken stock
200g rice flour
50g wheat flour
2-3 tbsp oil
Salt to taste
1. Soak dried shrimps, scalloop, sausage for at least 30 minutes.
2. Shred the radish and put aside
3. Rough chopped the dried shrimps
4. Diced the chinese.sausages
5. Shred the scallop finely (it comes off easily after soaking)
Frying part
6. Put in 2 tbsp oil fry the dried shrimps till fragrant and add in the scallop to fry
7. Add in the diced sausage and fry till fragrant
8. Add a little oil if not enough, pour in the shredded radish and stir fry for awhile (*added a tsp of chicken powder to stir fry the radish) before adding in the 200 ml of chicken stock
9. Stir in the flour gradually but must keep stirring as it gets lumpy very quickly..stir till all done and add in the pre-fried dried shrimps, scallops and chinese sausages..mix well.
10. For a kg of raddish I can steam two medium size aluminium foil tray of carrot cake..steam for 20 to 30 minutes on high heat..thus if using electric steamer you need longer time.. (watch out for level of water when steaming)..
11. Top with fried shallots (microwave way), chopped spring onions, parsley and chillies.
Happy with end results...
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